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I plan my future (Planifico el meu futur)
The recipients are the 4th-year ESO students who are grouped into three class groups: two groups preferribly oriented towards the Batxillerat or Intermediate Vocational Training and one oriented towards Vocational Training, that is to say Initial Vocational Training or Intermediate Vocational Training.
  • students
Català pdf document
Condor: Guidance Council
Students of second and third grade of secondary school, their parents and teachers.
  • parents
  • Teachers
Italiano pdf document
Project P.A.R.I. (Paths for Antidispersion, Recovery, Inclusion) – Guidance Workshops to combat early school leaving
Students of classes third medium who have high risk for school dropout for their personal characteristics, learning difficulties, language comprehension difficulties, behavioral problems, difficult family situations, integration problems
  • students
Italiano pdf document
Implementing career matching software S.OR.PRENDO to the Regionale system of lifelong guidance
Teachers of secondary schools of first and second degree, operators of the employment centers engaged in guidance activities aimed at employed, unemployed, and ESL NEET; representative of guidance services of universities
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Italiano pdf document
Guidance resources: software SO.R.PRENDO in Umbria Region
Teachers of secondary schools of first and second grade; guidance counselors of the employment centers, youth information centers and training agencies; students and users of guidance services
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Italiano pdf document
School Citizenship: Guidance at school
Teachers Secondary school I and II. Students, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Secondary School degree. Students of the first and second year of secondary school level II. Students of the fifth year of high schools, technical and vocational schools
  • students
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Italiano pdf document
Career guidance in the greek island of Milos
Students of high school, ages 14-18
  • students
Ελληνικά pdf document
Education of immigrants
These students don't speak the Greek language, and they face difficulty in reading and writing. Their native language is Russian
  • students
Ελληνικά pdf document
Widening the future. Improving guidance interventions at school
Over 40 schools were involved in the pilot actions. These schools collaborated with the project partners to design and carry out career guidance and career management skills development activities with students ranging from age 5 to 13. The diverse project actions involved teachers, school counsellors, tutors and guidance practitioners, and reached over 1,300 students.
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Project “ School – a chance for each” Organizing education “second chance” programs
students (from 1st. – 8th. grades) at risk of early school leaving; people who have not completed compulsory education; people who are not / were not submitted in a form of education pre / primary; staff involved in the development of education programs such as 'second chance'
  • students
  • ESL
  • Teachers
Monitoring the VET graduates insertion on the labour market (MIA)
Over 15000 students enrolled in VET schools, in 3counties (Ilfov, Prahova, Giurgiu) and the municipality of Bucharest.
  • students
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Priority education areas
During its peak year, the project reached 100 schools, trained nearly 2000 teachers and involved around 50000 children in activities. 100 counsellors were trained and supervised to deliver group counselling sessions with parents.
  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
  • students
Writing theatre
The target groups of the project were: - pupils at risk of abandoning school (20 pupils in each transfer context) - teachers and trainers that were expected to use the methodology of the project in their work with at risk pupils - stakeholders within the educational system that could streamline the use of the methodology throughout educational establishments.
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
TET – School-to-Work Transition Programme (Transició Escola Treball)
Any young person aged 15 to 29, but with a focus on those aged 15 to 21 with no compulsory secondary education diploma.
  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
Català pdf document
Eina Guidance Tool
Students aged 12 and over. Young people who are early school leavers. Families. Tutors from educational centres as guidance counsellors. Municipal organisations that take on young people for work experience, service-learning (APS), etc.
  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Català pdf document
Students on the preparation course for the intermediate-level and higher-level vocational training entrance examinations.
  • students
Català pdf document
1. Profile of young people requiring guidance: young people aged between 16 and 25. Those who have no training route, have dropped out of school or training, or are seeking work. Lack of social network and/or family support (possible referrals from Social Services, secondary schools or other agents). 2. Profile of young people requiring support: young people aged 16-19. Those who are insufficiently rooted in the region and/or insufficiently adapted to the local educational and social environment. Those with few personal and social resources, who require very disciplined, personalised monitoring. Those with a history of accumulated failure and with highly specific needs, who are not served to by other institutions, organisations, bodies or professionals.
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
Català pdf document
La Maleta de les Famílies (The Family Suitcase )
Families of students in the fourth year of compulsory secondary education at risk of early school leaving. The pilot for this programme was carried out in 28 public secondary schools in eight municipalities in the province of Barcelona.
  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
Català pdf document
Aprenents (Apprenticeship) Project – TET
Alumnes dels instituts del municipi d’entre 14 i 18 anys en risc de fracàs escolar i abandonament prematur.
  • students
  • ESL
Català pdf document
Projecte de Vida Professional (Professional Life Project)
ProVP is aimed at students in compulsory secondary education and post-compulsory education, although each activity may be aimed at specific targets. In general, ProVP assists students in the following types of education: 1. The third and fourth years of compulsory secondary education (ESO); groups with special educational needs may also be assisted. 2. Training and insertion programmes (PFI). 3. First and second years of Baccalaureate studies. 4. Intermediate-level vocational training courses (CFGM). 5. Higher-level vocational training courses (CFGS). 6. Adult education. In the 2014-2015 academic year, the following activities were carried out: 7. Sessions on specific topics, organised by the Porta22 professional development centre. 8. Talk entitled ‘Escola i Empresa’ (school and work), given at educational centres themselves. 9. Visits to companies in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. 10. Conferences entitled ‘Emprendre amb Valors’ (the values of entrepreneurship). 11. Information on post-compulsory pathways offered by the education system.
  • students
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Català pdf document
Coneixement d’Oficis (Knowledge of Professions)
Students in the upper years of compulsory secondary education (third and fourth years of ESO) who have difficulties in defining their professional pathways, who are unaware of the possibilities offered by the local job market and who are at risk of dropping out of school.
  • students
Català pdf document
Servei d’Orientació Pla Jove (Youth Plan Guidance Service)
With the aim of assisting students at risk of dropping out of education and promoting pathways for being able to attain the second level of training, the project focuses on assisting different groups of students, with various blocks of measures: 1. The Servei d’Orientació Pla Jove helps schools and colleges to implement their guidance strategies by implementing guidance programmes that give students an understanding of the different opportunities offered by the education system and the training and resources available in the city. This helps students make decisions regarding post-compulsory education based on the guidelines established by the Department of Education. 2. Support for tutors and other people responsible in the guidance processes in the transition between compulsory secondary and post-compulsory education. 3. Support for students in compulsory secondary education who have not obtained an ESO diploma, providing individualised support and monitoring during the entire training pathway, as well as helping with the pre-registration and registration processes to access post-compulsory studies. 4. Support for young people and their families, with individualised support and monitoring. 5. Support for students in compulsory secondary education who have obtained an ESO diploma, by monitoring the pathways for transition to post-compulsory training of those who show a risk of dropping out, focusing on the most problematic pathways and especially on those students entering intermediate-level vocational training and baccalaureate students at risk of dropping out. 6. Support for and promotion of the guidance platforms of the District’s adult training centres, connecting adult training outputs with the post-compulsory pathways of the educational system.
  • students
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Català pdf document
Students from the fourth year of compulsory secondary education (ESO) who have not obtained the secondary education diploma and/or young people over 16 who do not wish to continue within formal education.
  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Català pdf document
Teenagers and young people aged 16 to 25 who are alienated and not involved in any training or education pathways. They have issues in common such as school failure and personal vulnerability. It is necessary to provide constant support. Most of the young people are referred by basic social care teams and social services specialising in children and teenagers, or local secondary schools.
  • students
  • ESL
Català pdf document
Granollers Guidance System
As regards this system, our target group is essentially students and/or young people who have left education, so as to reintegrate them into the educational system once again. It must be taken into account, however, that there are also actions directed at families, teachers, guidance counsellors, etc.
  • students
  • ESL
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers
Català pdf document
Mars XXI: Is A Human Colony On Mars Possible?
Students in the upper years of compulsory secondary education at risk of dropping out of school for different reasons (including lack of motivation, of academic role models in their environment or of self confidence, and difficult academic pathways)
  • students
Català pdf document
Support Mentoring – Being a young person after secondary school
It is aimed at the entire population of 15 to 17 year olds at six state secondary schools in Terrassa. Each year about 1000 young people take part (450 in the information and counselling activities during the 4th year of secondary and 450 in the individual monitoring in the year after finishing secondary school). These participants receive a clear message from their local area: facilities, services and mentors that can help guide them as young people. This knowledge helps them access municipal resources more easily, because of the sense of personal proximity that has been established.
  • students
Català pdf document
City of Sabadell- Sabadell Orienta (Sabadell Guides)

The guidance services and resources that the city council and other actors provide are addressed to a wide range of the citizens throughout all their educational and professional life phases. But specifically is addressed towards (in brackets the guidance action):

1-Students from the 4rt year of compulsory secondary education (ESO) who have not obtained the secondary education diploma and/or young people over 16 years old who do not wish to continue within formal education. (Posat’hi)

2- Young secondary students/ their families/ adults and citizens in general (Fira apropa’t a la FP)

3.- Compulsory Secondary Education students (ESO) (Campus Ítaca)

4- Families and their sons –students of 3er and 4rts secondary level, guidance practitioners/counsellors and tutors.(Maleta de les famílies)

5.1 Young people from 16 to 29 years old – in some actions are addressed to the ones that have dropped out their studies and are not working. (Garantia juvenil/ Casa d’oficis, Coneguem el mercat laboral, coneixement d’oficis, Fem ocupació per a joves, Programes de Formació I Inserció, Sensibilització per emprendre)

5.2 For adults (Orientació laboral/Orienta+30/ coaching a +45/ Feinateca)

5.3 For the people with special needs (mental disease, disabled people..) (Projectes integració laboral i recursos formatius i laborals)

6- Young people up to 30 years old (l’Oficina Jove)

7- All the students of 3er and 4rt secondary level and their teachers.(ESL Study- Group EMIGRA)

  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
  • Teachers
City of Terrassa - A city that guides

The guidance services and resources that the city council and other actors provide are addressed to a wide range of the citizens throughout all their educational and professional life phases. But specifically they are addressed towards (in brackets the guidance action/s- the numeric is related with the activities of the section below):

1.1 Young people of 4th of ESO (4rt course of Secondary compulsory education) from 15 to 17 years old- particularly those with a risk of leaving school early. (Tutoria d’acompanyament-Support mentoring)

1.2 Young people and families (Personalised guidance point)

1.3 Young students of compulsory and post-compulsory education (Guidance days on vocational training)

1.4 Young people from 15-21 years old without the secondary compulsory education degree (Tutoring of PFIs- training and inclusion programme)

1.5 Families of ESO students, tutors and guidance councillors (Maleta de las famílias– the family suitcase)

1.6. Young and adults studying at municipal adult schools willing to access to VET or continuing education (Full de Ruta– Road Map)

2.1 Young students of ESO and their families (Xerrades d’orientació- Guidance talks)

2.2 Primary and secondary students with special difficulties (Espai Orientació- Guidance space)

2.3 All the students of Terrassa public schools (Punt d’informació als patis– Information points at the school)

2.4. Young people (16-21 years old) that do not study nor work (Projecte en trajecte– En route project) .


3.1 Young people under the Youth Guarantee programme and the Integral programme and people over 30 years project (Youth Guarantee, +30).

3.2 All the citizens (Disposititu d’orientació i inserció als barris– Guidance and Insertion device in the districts).


4.1 All the citizens that want to have access to university ( Information and guidance to access university)

5.1. Women unemployed or they are searching a new job (need reorientation) (Accompaniment on the guidance process)

  • students
  • ESL
  • parents
  • Guidance practitioners
  • Teachers