Education of immigrants


Education of immigrants

Affiliation(s)/ Institution

Gymnasium of Thrakomakedones

Email addresses

Project funded by

EC program and greek government

Promoter name and country

Ministry of Education

Type of provider


Area of implementation

  • local

Context and motivation of the project - legislative background/obligations, institutional policy, institutional structures

Philosophy of the program: the empowerment of repatriates and immigrant parents to help their children to school, to learn about the Greek educational system and acquire a working relationship with the school.

Aims of the project

Fighting school failure of repatriated and foreign students in Greek schools, in order to ensure as far as possible equivalent training of these groups with indigenous students and their social integration. Concerns

Target group

  • students

Description of the target group

These students don't speak the Greek language, and they face difficulty in reading and writing. Their native language is Russian

Staff (selection, evaluation, training, promotion)

Teachers, students

Methodological approach, activities implemented

1st step: mapping the foreign pupils' parents. Purpose: to record pupils with a different background, to see the languages they speak, the relationship between their parents with the school and the level of speaking the Greek language. 2nd step: planning various actions of the school These actions related to:  counseling empowerment services for parents (individual or collective, depending on the circumstance)  Institution adoptive parent (is an innovative and highly useful institution that activates voluntary Greeks / Behold parents to support immigrant parents in order to facilitate their access to school and become active in the school community)  Institution intercultural mediator (this person is fully aware of the host structures and can strongly support parents aliens and returning pupils or translating brochures in foreign language or as an interpreter in the showings

Results and impact - data of program internal/ external evaluation, beneficiary satisfaction, the impact of the didactical practices at individual and institutional level

With Attainment courses we helped many parents, even in very simple things like filling out a school form, which however has strengthened their relationship with the school environment. Many foreign students decreased absenteeism from school and the two sides (teachers- students) found common communication codes.

Conclusions, lessons learned

This program embraced by the local community in Menidi, functioned effectively for several foreign and repatriated pupils and their parents and realized the importance of such actions

Directions of further development/ Transferability, replicability

the program should be implemented to other schools as well

Type of ESL (early school leaving) practice

  • Prevention
  • Intervention

Web references (url, social media presence) • • •

Parameters on which the practice is applicable (check those appropriate)

  • Methodologies of provision
  • Objectives and needs

