

Early school leaving – people aged 18-24 who have only lower secondary education or less (i.e. have only achieved pre-primary, primary, lower secondary or a short upper secondary education of less than 2 years) and are no longer in education or training.

Prevention – all guidance measures are intended to provide young people with support, information and opportunities to develop their skills. The prevention ones are those proactive mainstream measures intended to meet these objectives.

Intervention – the intervention measures are specifically addressed to students who manifest specific guidance and counselling needs.

Compensation – the compensation guidance and counselling measures are those addressed to students who have left school prematurely and wish to re-enter the education and training system to gain the qualifications they need

Governance and coordination – A governance framework fostering coherent and coordinated guidance systems at national / regional / local levels, to better articulate and strengthen guidance services and resources that target citizens’ needs at any point in their lives. Specific strategies, plans and partnerships to fight against ESL.

Accessibility – All citizens have the right to access guidance services throughout their lives. Services must take appropiate actions and guarantee awareness and visibility.

Methodologies of provision – A combination of delivering guidance methods determine the accessibility to available guidance services and resources, and covers a wide range of profiles and needs in addressing ESL.

Measures and profiles – Guidance services and resources are very valuable in motivating people and keeping them engaged in education and lifelong learning. Prevention, intervention and compensation measures are key actions to address ESL.

Objectives and needs – Guidance is considered a general aim and  a principle of the educational process supporting people to manage their choices better and take responsability for their own personal growth and development. It is identified as beneficial in addressing ESL.

Competences and skills for practitioners – The skills, training and dispositions of the professionals who deliver guidance are key factors for efficient guidance services. Special attention must be given to those dealing with ESL.

Common framework and quality standards – Set of common principles, guidelines, criteria and tools in order to develop and assure quality in guidance delivery. Specifications for addressing ESL.

Evaluation of performance and effectiveness – Planning, management, avaluation and continual improvement for guidance systems / services. Data and evaluation of guidance policies and services addressed to fight against ESL.